67 East Street, Corfe Castle, Dorset, BH20 5EE
Honours Board

The 2018/19 Development works were funded by a substantial legacy from Bill Carter and generous grants and donations from the following organisations and individuals, some of whom have asked to remain anonymous:

Viridor Credits
Purbeck District Council
Corfe Castle Charity
part funded by European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
via LEADER, Southern Dorset Local Action Group

Talbot Village Trust
The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation
Perenco Ltd
Oracle Corporation
Corfe Castle Parish Council
Crazy 4 Corfe
Double Act
Corfe Castle Eastern Preservation Society
Suttle Stone Quarries Ltd
Hall & Woodhouse Ltd
Ball & Socket
Corfe Castle Model Village
Purbeck Ice Cream
Retro Groove Mob
Keates Quarries Ltd
Corfe Castle Youth Club
Norden Farm
The Castle Inn
Purbeck Heating & Electrical Ltd
Dorset Waterpark Ltd
WALX Dorset
Isle of Purbeck Golf Club
Howard Fry Carpentry Ltd
Lutton Properties Ltd
Dorset Cottage Holidays
Ian Harris Ceramics
Seasons Green
Olivers of Corfe Castle
Mortons House Hotel
The Fox Inn
The Greyhound Inn
The Bankes Arms Hotel
The Gallery at 41
Corfe Castle Village Stores
Land & Wave Ltd
Octopress Printers Limited
Corfe Castle Sweet Shop
Dragons Bakery
The Pink Goat
The Town House
Goulds (Dorchester) Ltd
Lander’s Quarries Ltd
Box of Delights

Special thanks are also due to the following for their assistance, time and effort during fund-raising, design & construction:

Past and present Village Hall Trustees (George Preston, Peter Smith, David Atkin, Alan Clevett, Penny Barker, Phil Carter, Mike Spinney, Chris Finch, Angela Reed, Carole Speed, Ken Hill, Rev Barry Walton), Dorset Community Action, Geoff Holland, GAP Ltd, Tim Spivey, Phil Rapley, Jade-Aden Services Ltd, Foleys Garage Ltd, Sainsbury’s (Wareham), Keith Batchelor and all who helped re-decorate the main hall.

Our Wall of Names

website design & maintenance by Pyewacket Design